A «funambulist» of the color

Vinicio Coppola, exhibition at the Aragonese castle - Taranto 2002

Amerigo Vespucci, 2003 - Mixed technique on canvas - cm 100x100 - Private collection Taranto

Pippo Borrello and his passion for the sea adventures

Since green years was a non-conformist, not only of the palette. Challenged taxation and bans by parents and when he had as a gift a box of watercolor he combined of cooked and raw, smearing on the right and misses; to such an extent that its made disappear from circulation the gift that started the rebellion of Urchin.

But once in the age of reason, Pippo Borrello took just inspiration from colors to give rise to chromatic rebellion simmering in himself. A suppressible libertarian that yearning in the footsteps of the “fauves”-the “beasts” piloted by major Matisse-leads him to respond to the constraints of the form

We have one retries in the exhibition “the sail and the sea, from the Amerigo Vespucci to the windsurf” scheduled in Taranto, from 16 to 26 October, in the town gallery at the Aragonese Castle, where his great love shines for the sea.

To serve as showman is undoubtedly the color. The yellow, applies for instance in obsessive way, in “nuances” sometimes warmer, from the other sourrer. And so also the red: is anywhere, with undulations of “nuances” turned on and dark.

Almost a battle baited by the palette without exclusion of hits. The climate becomes incandescent, but our tightrope walker of the color succeeds in bringing the peace between the factions in struggle. Its are perceptions of the unconscious, hilarious and mysterious.

A mystery that aims to imprison in the canvans, as in the net of the hunter of butterflies a concert of arcane murmurs, voices of the invisible one that surround us. It is in such way Pippo Borrello hands the revolution piloted by his palette. A revolution that stings its “chances” on the range of the rainbow and the creativeness. To exorcize the dark with its bright spaces and with a light that disperses every shade, in full awareness that any license must always move only in the channel of art. An art that knows no bounds.