Pippo Borrello exposes in Gubbio

Carmen Ricci - Il corriere di Capri -, April 20, 2014

Pippo Borrello with Elisa Polidori and Catia Monacelli

The teacher Pippo Borrello who has exposed in the prestigious places in Italy and abroad, Spain, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Brazil and Singapore, with a special fondness for the Island of Capri, with several of his works which boasts many friends, he has inaugurated an important antological exhibition in Gubbio, named “Artistic path”, inside the church of Saint Mary of the Laics at Quaranta Martiri Place, Gubbio, opens until april 27, 2014.

Pippo Borrello exposes fifteen works, between the most representative, which marks the techer’s whole artistic way in a single quick glance, from the famous portraits, to the sea themes to the tributes to the sports with the horses.

“All his works, have affirmed Catia Monacelli and Elisa Polidori exhibitions curators, are crossed from an invisible vital flow, that diluites the forms and geometries and the objective datum is lost in the quick and fast brush without second thoughts. A sign which keeps all its evocative strength, pushed towards a whirl of colours and reflexes, which from the sea reach it and seems to want to get back”. Our best wishes to the teacher for new successes in the near future.

Church of Saint Mary of the Laics - Gubbio