In Singapore the painter Borrello climbs in desk

Mario De Rossi, January 2009

Sails in St. Mark, 2008 - Mixed technique on canvas - cm 100x150

The unconditional success received by the exhibition (concluded on December 19) of Pippo Borrello (to the left, in the photo, with the president of the polytechnic and the minister of culture of Singapore) in Singapore, constitutes a merciful brushstroke of prestige on the image of ours tortured city is painted by the chronicles of the whole world.

For a time, Pippo Borrello has made ease on the problem waste, on the racket publicized by the fortunate book of Roberto Saviano and, dulcis in fundo, on the “Global service”, the small tangentopoli all Neapolitan that has overwhelmed Municipalities, Provinces and Regions. And Borrello paints Neapolitan. In fact, naturalized veronese to have taught to the academy of Belle Arti of Verona, where he lives, for more than thirty years, He was born in Naples, precisely in Marechiaro. Of Marechiaro, in his pictures, he tells the sea, the sun, the lights and the colors. Absolutely original the way to tell them.

His painting technique, primordial and innovative at the same time, is played on the colour, the relief and on the approach of the sinuous sign of the line to the gold, the silver and the copper that embellish his works.

In this regard, nothing more meaningful that textually bring the judgment of Paul Portoghesi, critical of art among the most severe:

«To the emphasis of the line, it joins in Borrello an interpretation of the color that doesn't seek doughs or delicate tonality, but it is expressed with elementary violence. Often the painter puts to fire in his paintings the point of border among two surfaces, and two different colored fields, turning them into a clash of energies on a frontier become incandescent. When this concentration of pictorial values realizes him, the painting of Borrello expresses with more intensities his originality. They are pictures in which the equilibrium between representation and figuration in more creative way is expressed for the ability to introduce in the world of the figuration, an aspect that is born from the scientific observation of the reality»

It will be as soon as the case to remember the most prestigious tappes of a cycle of over one hundred exhibitions that have brought painting of Borrello around the world. He presented paintings of extraordinary success, in Seville, in the Pavillon de las Artes on the occasion of the Expo '92, three times in Brazil ('99 - 2000 -2001), Insbruk and Anversa in the same year (2002), in Cork, Ireland (2006) and, finally, in Singapore. He was invited by the President of the Polytechnic of this city prof. Tan Kay Yang, together with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China, he represented the Venetian art in this great International Exhibition dedicated to Italy. On this occasion, Borrello exhibited twenty canvases themed Venice.

Other thematic exhibitions of great success were held in Pompeii, Capri and, in 2004 on the Olympics, at Camerino. But what absolutely unusual, the staff has followed a course of two weeks during which Borrello explained and taught his very personal technique to students and Faculty of the Polytechnic.

At the end of the work, with works realized during this experiment, a complementary exhibition has been prepared. In that regard, it must be said that in the wake of the success, the experiment will be repeated in two upcoming international exhibition already planned for 2009.